Monday, May 27, 2013

Landslide for the The B-Side
LANDSLIDE FOR EQUALITY: Shieko's election poster for The B-Side. Also read 'Tales from the cities – Imagining the revolutionary suburbs of liberal Malaysia' by Keith Leong, in the current issue. Here's an excerpt:

DJ is the ’burbs; its many people have suburban values that the bright and the beautiful find so tedious. It’s populated by more than its fair share of cantankerous or plain ignorant aunty and uncle types that have benighted Malaysia’s middle-class with their lack of cultural and political sophistication.

But damn it, I grew up there and it made me what I am. My memories mean more than your prejudices or Monocle’s criteria for a great city.

There’s a lyrical beauty to the place. Walk the streets after rain in the evening; turn off your smartphones or tablets and spend an afternoon in a deserted park.

Damansara, like nearby Bangsar and Kuala Lumpur, is the nucleus of the demographic, political and social changes now rocking Malaysia.

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