Friday, July 08, 2016

Oppose amendments to Act 355, says Nisha Ayub

KUALA LUMPUR: A transgender activist is urging the people to oppose proposed amendments  on Shariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) 1965 that was tabled as a private members bill by Marang MP and PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang last month.

"This law will not just effect the Malays but the whole Malaysian people . Its already such a huge problem in the Shariah law we have right now which is not standardised in each country and now they want to impose hudud?" said Nisha Ayub on her Facebook page.

"Dear Malaysian, don't be only a follower but use your own brain to think the effect of such imposing and dictatorship of power . Think about the future of our country not as individual but as a nation that is full of diversity and harmony.

"The future of our country is not in their hands but its on ours has we have the power of vote . Don't we want our country that use to be before where we live in peace and harmony without diversion ? Think carefully as our action now determines the future of our country.

The amendment in the act which is also known as Act 355 seeks to remove the penalty limitation of three years imprisonment, six strokes of caning and a fine not exceeding RM5000. 

While both Hadi and the government claim that the amendments have nothing to do with the Islamic penal code, critics claim that the removal of the limitation would allow Kelantan to impose hudud laws.

The amendments state that it would not include the death penalty. It must also be noted that the state hudud enactments in Kelantan and Terengganu have provisions that allow 100 lashes of caning.

Nisha said that a religion cannot be used to rule the nation. The rule of of a nation instead, should be based on laws that are equal to all.

She also pointed out that the Malay Muslims are the most underprivileged since every aspect of their life is being dictated by the authorities.

"What is happening in our country scares me, we are losing our identity as a Malaysian .

"People said that the Malays has more privilege but to be honest as a mix Malay myself, I feel that we are the most underprivileged where are told how to life our daily lives, how to dress, how to express ourselves, what to eat, how to talk, force to do things in your life, who to mix with, how to treat woman and basically our life is controlled by this people that uses their power given to them by us."

Nisha also raised concerned over the phenomenon of rising 'Arabisation' within the Malay culture and language which has gone unchecked and yet lawmakers were more concerned about increasing penalty of the shariah court.

"The most sad part is, even our identity as a Malay have been change towards Arabisation.

"Our traditional attire such as baju kurung , baju kebaya , baju melayu have been replaced by clothes that suits our country weather and culture.

"Even our own Malay words have been replaced by Arabic words such as simple buka puasa now has been change to iftar. Where is our own ownership towards our own culture and identity? Now we have this law?"

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